What is Perpetual Adoration?

Perpetual Adoration is a Eucharistic devotion whereby members of a given parish unite in taking hours of Adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Most Blessed Sacrament (in most cases, exposed), both during the day and throughout the night, seven days a week.

The Eucharist is displayed in a special holder called a Monstrance. The word monstrance comes from the Latin word "monstrare" which means "to show".   The consecrated host is exposed behind a small glass case within the monstrance so that visitors to the Chapel of Perpetual Adoration may see the Lord in his Real Presence.

A visitor to the chapel is called an "adorer" because they come to adore the Lord Jesus in his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. The experience of Adoration is an intimate experience where you and the Lord gaze at one another in love.


How does one Adore?

Within the chapel there are certain rules which are observed to maintain the proper prayer of adoration:

  • The chapel maintains the rule of "grand silence" which is a monastic practice.
  • Each person prays in silence. There are no communal prayers celebrated within the chapel.
  • Upon entering the Perpetual Adoration Chapel, one must sign the sign into our kiosk located at the opening of our Chapel. (we need to know that Jesus is not alone)
  • In the aisle, before entering your pew, kneel on both knees for a moment as a sign of respect for Our Lord.
  • After entering your pew, you may kneel or sit.
  • Praise, Pray or just be silent with Our Lord.
  • In the aisle, upon exiting your pew, kneel on both knees for a moment as a sign of respect for Our Lord.

To enhance your prayer and meditation time, you will find a variety of spiritual reading material both in the back of the chapel and in each pew. These materials are meant to assist your growth and formation as a Catholic.   You will find labels on certain books that we ask you to keep in our Adoration Chapel.    Some books may be borrowed for a time.

Please do not add books to the shelves since they must go through a review process before being made available to the faithful who visit the Adoration Chapel.

Within the Adoration Chapel, you will also find various items to enhance your prayer and devotion such as: the Stations of the Cross, a crucifix, statues of Mary and Joseph and a Divine Mercy image.